Dodo reef restoration
Our Reef Restoration Project, led by our resident Marine Biologist, aims to restore 10,000 sqm of degraded reef in Confetti Bay by transplanting approximately 20,000 cultivated coral colonies. At the beginning of our project, starting in 2020, the degraded reef had approximately less than 10% coral cover. We hope to restore the reef back to its former glory. The way we remember it when we first started diving at Coin de Mire Island!
We have constructed a floating mid-water nursery consisting of 5 coral trees. Each tree can hold approximately 100 coral fragments. Our first generation fragments were sustainably harvested from wild donor colonies and now continue to grow in our nursery. As each fragment grows larger we will begin to take second generation fragments creating a self-sustaining nursery. Providing everything we need to restore the reef.
How can you get involved?
Our Dodo Reef Restoration Project was made possible through funding from our customers and the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council (MRIC). Our goal is to make the project self-sustaining by offering eco-tourism initiatives, giving our customers knowledge gaining and meaningful experiences while helping to save our reefs at the same time!